1confirmation Newsletter - Issue #67
Since our first fund launched in August 2017, there's been lots of ups and downs in the space. We've never been more excited about the future though and recently announced a new fund to continue investing in founders building products the crypto community needs.
Here's our recent announcement with some thoughts on where the industry is headed: 1confirmation Fund II
Required reading this week
What is Ethereum's Uncle Rate and Why Does It Matter? — ethgasstation.info
Ethereum's recent gas limit increase has led to a lot of talk about the uncle rate. ETH Gas Station explains how this metric affects the performance of the Ethereum network.
Black Swans, Trusted Assets and Multi-Collateral DAI — medium.com
Hugh Karp argues why tokens pegged to real-world assets should be added to Multi-Collateral Dai.
A Tour Of the Varieties of DAI — medium.com
Kyle Kistner explains what are all the different flavors of Dai – xDAI, iDAI, cDAI, rDAI, gDAI, dDAI, LSDai, IdleDAI, SwanDAI, iSwanDAI, Aztec Notes, zkDAI, pDAI, aDAI, nmDAI, wxDAI, yDAI, MetaDAI, MaxDAI, and rfDAI.
Decentralized identity and reputation — lindajxie.com
Linda Xie presents some challenges and useful applications of identity and reputation in crypto.
The key ingredients to a better blockchain — www.etherean.org
As the landscape of layer-1 blockchain platforms is becoming more and more crowded, Lane Rettig explains what it takes for a blockchain to succeed.
1confirmation portfolio reading this week
An Update on the Dai Savings Rate in Multi-Collateral Dai (MCD) — blog.makerdao.com
The Dai Savings Rate (DSR) is one of the most anticipated features of Multi-Collateral Dai (MCD). In addition to providing Dai holders with a stable decentralized currency, MCD will offer any Dai holder the option to lock up Dai in a smart contract to earn interest.
Ethereum Miner Test — Results — medium.com
bloXroute ran a test on the Ethereum mainnet, working with large mining pools like SparkPool, BTC.com, and F2Pool, to confirm that bloXroute's BDN scales Ethereum and allows Ethereum to increase its gas limit.
Analyzing Stake Distribution and Diversification on the Cosmos Hub — blog.chorus.one
Felix Lutsch looks at how stake is distributed across validators and whether token holders diversify stake across validators on the Cosmos Hub.
Harbor Tokenizes Real Estate Funds Worth $100 Million on Ethereum — www.coindesk.com
Harbor created tokens on the Ethereum blockchain representing the shares of four real estate funds worth $100M.