1confirmation Newsletter - Issue #72
As the first full decade of our industry comes to an end, a number of important cryptocurrency problems remain unsolved. There's been tremendous progress of course, but one with context can't help but believe that it's still early days given the gaps that remain.
Vitalik highlights the progress and the gaps in his recent post "Hard Problems in Cryptocurrency: Five Years Later"
Required reading this week
Stateless Clients: A New Direction for Ethereum 1.x — medium.com
Piper Merriam details the stateless client proposal that will replace state rent as the solution for state growth in the existing Ethereum chain.
Understanding Risks in DeFi #2: MakerDAO Multi-Collateral DAI — medium.com
Hugh Karp explains the technical, external, and economic incentive failure risks of MakerDAO and what insurance can cover.
Ethereum locked in DeFi apps hits all-time high — decrypt.co
MakerDAO, Compound, and Synthetix are leading the way as value locked in smart contracts continues to grow.
A Look at Innovation in Bitcoin’s Technology Stack — medium.com
Lucas Nuzzi maps over 40 protocols being built on top of Bitcoin to add new functionality to Bitcoin.
1confirmation portfolio reading this week
Launched: Blockchain Distribution Network V1 — medium.com
bloXroute’s Blockchain Distribution Network (BDN) Version 1 has officially launched! bloXroute’s "BDN" cuts average block propagation time for Ethereum in half and improves scalability for Ethereum and many other chains.
Nervos DAO Explained — medium.com
Since mainnet launch last week, over 650 million CKB has been deposited into the Nervos DAO. Learn more about DAO deposits, withdrawals, token issuance, and how to calculate your staking return.
Welcoming The Godfather to OpenSea! — opensea.io
Time for an offer you cannot refuse: The Godfather limited-edition collectibles are now for auction on OpenSea.
Brave Passes 10 Million Monthly Active Users, and Sees 19% Growth since 1.0 Launch — brave.com
Brave passed 10 million monthly active users, tripled daily active users in the last 12 months, and verified creators has grown 12x over 2019.
Augur v2 - A Tour of the Prediction Protocol’s First Major Upgrade — www.augur.net
As Augur gets ready for its v2 launch in January, here are the major protocol upgrades that we're anticipating.