1confirmation Newsletter - Issue #77
User experience needs to improve for cryptocurrency adoption to grow from ~50M today to 1B+ in the future. A new wallet called Authereum launched today and we think it's a step forward in making Ethereum more usable.
Read about it here: Authereum is Live 🚀
Required reading this week
Over $1B locked in DeFi — defipulse.com
Led by MakerDAO, there's now over $1B locked in DeFi. This is a big number but given all the new projects popping up, it appears to be just the beginning for open, global financial products on Ethereum.
Crypto Savings Rates — medium.com
Crypto savings rates are currently 10x+ better than bank savings rates. While speculation was the first mainstream use case, savings could be the next and has the potential to be even bigger.
Crypto memes and adoption — lindajxie.com
Linda Xie looks at the role memes play in crypto adoption.
A Look At Ethereum's Numbers — www.decentralised.co
Joel John explores the size of DeFi vs. ETH locked in exchanges, miner behavior, fee markets, wealth concentration, exchange balances, growth of DeFi projects, and more Ethereum metrics.
“Ethereum isn’t Decentralized”…And Other Myths — medium.com
Ken Barton discusses crypto tribalism and dispels several misconceptions about Ethereum that maximalists like to claim.
1confirmation portfolio reading this week
Maker MCD: A Success in Protocol Upgrade & On-Chain Governance — medium.com
Alethio publishes a retrospective deep dive on how the MakerDAO Multi-Collateral Dai upgrade went.
A new board member: the future of Nexus Mutual — medium.com
This week 26% of Nexus Mutual members came together to vote for a new board member Rei Melbardis. Rei's actuarial experience will help develop ideas to drive Nexus forward.
Nervos – Scaling Smart Contact Blockchains With Proof of Work and Generalized UTXO
Kevin from Nervos discusses one of the most important projects in China on the Epicenter podcast.
Polkadot Approaches Beta Launch - Claim Your Dots Today with Coinbase Custody! — polkadot.network
The Polkadot launch is likely to be one of the most important events of 2020. ICO participants can now claim their DOTs with Coinbase Custody and other wallets and mainnet launch appears imminent.
Augur’s Flippening — medium.com
Ben Davidow explains why prediction markets are about to change with the launch of Augur v2.