The Control - Issue #48
The 5-month old Augur prediction market platform is facing an early test of its robustness. Last month, a pseudonymous user named "Poyo" created a market that misled traders. That market, a U.S. Midterm election market, had $1.4M+ wagered on it. There's currently a dispute about what the correct outcome of the market should be, which REP holders will ultimately decide (see all the details here).
We think the outcome of this particular market is less important in the long-term than what this situation tests: whether a decentralized oracle system can work in practice. We believe that permissionless prediction markets are one of the most important innovations that has emerged in the blockchain space to date and are excited about the protocol improving (Augur v2 is coming next year) and products that improve usability (Veil, and many more to come).
Required reading this week
4 eras of blockchain computing: degrees of composability —
Jesse Walden sketches a mental model for the evolution of blockchain computing through four distinct eras with varying architectures and priorities for composability: Calculator Era, Mainframe Era, Server Era, and Cloud Era.
The authoritative guide to blockchain sharding —
Alex Skidanov explains why sharding is important, how it is implemented today, and what challenges sharded protocols face.
The SEC reiterates their stance on crypto
CoinList recaps the SEC enforcement actions over the last several months, including Airfox, Paragon, and EtherDelta, and what they mean for U.S. crypto regulation.
ETH vs EOS: San Francisco Hackathons —
Chris Cassano recaps his thoughts on the recent ETH and EOS hackathons in SF and the cultural differences in developer communities he noticed for both projects.
1confirmation portfolio reading this week
Veil weekly updates: December 17, 2018 —
Veil continues its mission to make prediciton markets more usable. This week it added a UI for wrapping/unwrapping Augur shares (click “Deposit/Withdraw Augur Shares” in any market) and a number of other features.
We’ve acquired Atomic Bazaar to bring real-time trading to OpenSea users —
OpenSea acquired AtomicBazaar, an Ethereum digital asset marketplace, and are bringing on the Atomic Bazaar team and adding real-time trading to OpenSea.
Decreasing the Stability Fee – MakerDAO —
The Dai stablecoin celebrated it's 1st birthday on Mainnet this week and there's now over 1.5% of ETH locked up in the MakerDAO smart contract.
ZkDai — Private DAI transactions on Ethereum using Zk-SNARKs —
There's a number of exciting developments in the MakerDAO community: ZkDai is one of them, with the goal of bringing privacy to Dai.
Announcing the new —
The dashboard upgraded with new features and tools including individual CDP pages, historical CDP liquidation data, and Dai token data.